

Bibtexparsers only requirement is a python interpreter which is not yet EOL (currently >= 3.7).

As of version 2.0.0, bibtexparser is a pure-python project (no direct bindings to C libraries). As such, it should be rather easy to install on any platform.

Installation of current development version

To install the latest version on the main branch (without manually cloning it), run:

pip install --no-cache-dir --force-reinstall git+

Installation from PyPI


Installation of v2 via PyPI is not yet supported. We will start releasing v2 pre-versions soon, then you’ll be able to use the installation method below. Until then, please use the “installation of current development version” as described above.

To install the latest release candidate (currently required to use v2) using pip:

pip install --pre bibtexparser

without the --pre option, you will get the latest v1 version. It has a different API and is not directly compatible with v2.

Installation from source

Download the source from Github. Navigate to the root of the project and run the following command:

pip install .

Or, if you want to install dev dependencies:

pip install .[test,lint,docs]